• (A Co-Educational Degree College Affilited To CU)


4.4.2 Procedures and Policies:
Procedures and policies for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities – laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, classrooms etc. (maximum 500 words)
1. The Governing Body of the College has formed Development & Purchase Sub-committee and several other subcommittees for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities – laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, classrooms etc. Concerned sub-committees provide information to the Development and Purchase Sub-committee for any purchase and maintenance support facilities like laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, classrooms, etc. The Development & Purchase subcommittee process for maintenance/repair/purchase in compliance withthe regulation of the Finance Dpt. of Govt. of West Bengal as per memo no. 5400-F(Y), dtd 25.6.2012. However, it seeks financial approval of the Finance Sub-committee or the GB as and when large amount of fund is involved.
For purchasing of laboratory and any other equipment, generator, water purifiers, electrical components, etc the Development & Purchase Sub-committee invites tenders as per the memo stated above.
2. Construction, maintenance and repairing of academic buildings, library, classrooms, electrical appliances and other physical infrastructure are done by the Development and Purchase Sub-committee by engaging local construction agency following the regulation of the Finance Dpt. of Govt. of West Bengal as stated above. However, for construction under the scheme available from RUSA 2.0 the college has entered into MoU with the HowrahZilla Parishad, Howrah for executing the projects.
3. Portion of the fund received under RUSA Scheme has been utilized forrenovation and extension of library, purchasing of books, book-racks and furniture.

7.2 Best Practices
1. The institution holds the holistic development of the students as the prime priority. In keeping with this notion, the college celebrated the International Yoga day on 21st June, where students were informed about the innumerable goods one can derive from the ancient Indian practice. The department of Physical Education has taken initiative to engage the students in the practice throughout the year.
2. The NSS units of the college organize ‘Each One Teach One’ where the students of the college reach out to the young learners of the area in terms of brushing up their rudimentary learning. The young ones are engaged in several activities such as recitation, singing and dancing. The students of the college get a fair idea of their societal responsibility through this activity.

7.3 Institutional Distinctiveness
Provide the details of the performance of the institution in one area distinctive to its vision, priority and thrust
Purash-Kanpur Haridas Nandi Mahavidyalaya is truly a rural college and majority of the population fall under minority category. Keeping this in mind, the college has taken several initiatives starting from admission. During admission it campaigned about the procedure of taking online admission such that no student fails to take admission in an undergraduate course. It engaged local government and private internet providers for applying online.Local people are made aware of Kanyashreeprakalpa that provides scholarships to girls for their undergraduate study that resulted in significant increase in percentage of girl students in the college .The college upholds neighbourhood relation building as one of its distinctive features. The NSS units of the college organize rallies and awareness campaigns on different issues throughout the year in their adopted villages and locality. The units regularly maintain the Penro Bus stand which was built by the college. Everyday pedagogy and related activities has helped a long way in establishing the value of higher education in the locality. The guardians, as and when they are briefed about the performance of their wards, also engage with the college in a constructive way. The ‘Each One Teach One’ initiative has done great service in this regard. The young learners of the neighbouring area are the chief beneficiaries of the programme. The college organizes different extra-curricular and cultural programmes of the students so that spirit of the local cultural heritage is upheld.The College Social Festival, organized by the Students’ Council, offers the people of the neighbouring area a glimpse of quality cultural events. Different health camp like Thalassemia screening, awareness on prevention of AIDS, Dengue etc. are organised by NSS and NCC where local people are also invited.The President and several other members of the Governing Body are people of the locality itself. Thus the local aspiration gets a fair representation in the highest decision making body of the college as well.